Eric Gadfsa
2004-04-26 07:35:00 UTC
Just curious...Why are only a few US Cable Networks available in
Canada? I've noticed that CNN, CNN Headline News, TBS, Spike TV, A&E,
& BET are pretty much the only ones that are imported directly into
Canada from the US, Stateside commercials and all. Why is this so,
how come you can't get FX or anything like that? On that note, I
think it's pretty stupid that my friends in Canada get more US
stations then I do...Buffalo stations and network affiliates from
Seattle...Echostar tried to get something like that, allow ppl to get
stations from outside their home area, but the FCC shot them down.
Canada? I've noticed that CNN, CNN Headline News, TBS, Spike TV, A&E,
& BET are pretty much the only ones that are imported directly into
Canada from the US, Stateside commercials and all. Why is this so,
how come you can't get FX or anything like that? On that note, I
think it's pretty stupid that my friends in Canada get more US
stations then I do...Buffalo stations and network affiliates from
Seattle...Echostar tried to get something like that, allow ppl to get
stations from outside their home area, but the FCC shot them down.